On Kicking a Hornet's Nest

Faith and Politics

Session 1: On Kicking a Hornet’s Nest


There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. – C.S. Lewis


Man is by nature a political animal. - Aristotle


Two Bad Positions on Faith and Politics:


  1. Utopianism: Politics is Everything

  2. Pietism: Politics are Unspiritual



Why is it so hard to talk about politics in church?


  • It is controversial—other people in the church may disagree with us.
  • It is exhausting—trying to have emotionally tense conversations is hard.
  • It is complicated—wise political thinking acknowledges the complexity of issues.
  • It is overwhelming—politics change so rapidly now it is hard to keep up.
  • It is fraught with failure—so many political leaders and parties have failed.
  • It is worldly—is it even right to talk about this in church?


Why should we talk about faith and politics?


  • The Bible does.
  • The world is—and they are ready to disciple you.
  • When we fail to talk about this, the worst impulses tend to take root.
  • There are real consequences when we neglect politics. Visited a dictatorship lately?
  • Someone’s morality must be legislated.
  • Political theory is a byproduct of your theology. Secularism doesn’t exist.
  • Love thy neighbor…what does this look like in a democracy?


A Better Way Forward:

  1. The Bible teaches us that government is a blessing from God.
  2. The Bible teaches us that government is a danger to the Church.
  3. The Bible does not prescribe one specific form of government, but has much to say about the purpose of human government, human nature, and human flourishing.
  4. The Bible has much to offer us in the form of wisdom.